Tuesday, May 6, 2014


After looking farther into the culture of video games, I was able to come to a conclusion. By researching the difference between the United States and other countries it was obvious that video games where looked at very differently. In foreign countries, video games are thought to not only be a source of relaxation, but a source of income.

In my research I was able to a store clerk at the Game Room. I specifically asked him about competitive video games, after peers in my class directed me in that direction. He mentioned to me that  in some places, video games are as popular (and in some cases more) than actual sports. This news came shocking to me. I could never see something like that happening in the United States.

Previous to this project, I was aware that competitive gaming was a popular hobby to many in the U.S. And I knew that by winning these competitions, one could make a couple thousand dollars. But that was all it was to me, a hobby; I would have never guessed that people can make a career out of video games.

The conclusion I have made is that video games are more than a source of relaxation in foreign countries, its a way to make a living. And I truly believe that something like this will never be possible in the U.S. After reading and talking to video game advocates, its obvious that a culture like this is frowned upon in the U.S. People look down at people who spend their days playing video games, a deem this lifestyle socially unacceptable; unlike foreign countries where this would be completely normal.

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